This picture is of our tray after our good-bye party last night. Travis, Angela, Charissa and I had fruit drinks for our 2nd to last night together on the Korean peninsula.
I will miss this small church. Awesome people. I look forward to seeing my wife again in a month and a half.
Tonight we had an office party, and now I'm trying to pack and sort junk.
If you're in Denver, I just might get to see you.
I leave in six hours. There will be no sleep tonight.
Thank you everyone for your prayers and support. Community is good. We are blessed.
JEFF!! you're in my thoughts and prayers! I hope your travels are/were safe. I am sending something for you with Lisa. I hope you heal quickly and soonly. :) Goodbyes are hard.
I look forward to heaven.
Miss ya already man.
i wanted to write this comment last friday, but it was a crazy day. here it is:
"I’m tired now. After the adrenaline rush of staying up late and being supportive and going to recording, I’ve hit a wall. On the subway back I nodded off and my head rested on a Korean girl’s shoulder. Usually it’s the other way around. I’ve also calmed down enough to start feeling a little sad. I don’t feel sad that I won’t see you for a while. As the husband of a finger, you are stuck with me, and the others, forever. But I do feel sad that our time in Korea is over. It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, and all of it is precious to me. I’ve learned a lot from you in these past few months. You have shown me, and many others, Jesus, through your honesty and faithfulness and acceptance. I’m so, so grateful for this year and I look forward to more to come.
Heal well. Be well. As you remind us all, God is with you."
I love you all. -J
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