1. The point of the sermon last Sabbath was to follow God the way He leads, rather than trying to do things our way. It compared Elijah and Balaam.
2. Saturday night we played games at Dazbog Coffee with some friends. One person led worhsip before we started playing by reading Joshua 1--be strong, be courageous, go wherever God leads.

3. A friend invited us to watch Evan Almighty with her at the cheap theater on Sunday. Excellent movie if you like animals, want to save the environment, and need motivation to obey God. I give it two thumbs up with canaries on each thumb.
4. This morning, while reading her daily portion of Prophets & Kings, Charissa came across this paragraph relating to the call of Elisha (p. 220):
"Had Elisha asked Elija what was expected of him,--what would be his work,--he would have been answered: God knows; He will make it known to you. If you wait upon the Lord, He will answer your every question...."
That chapter continues:
Elisha accepted the call to service, casting no backward glance at the pleasures and comforts he was leaving. The [rich] young ruler, when he heard the Saviour's words, "went away sorrowful: for he had great possessions." Verse 22. He was not willing to make the sacrifice. His love for his possessions was greater than his love for God. By his refusal to renounce all for Christ, he proved himself unworthy of a place in the Master's service.
The call to place all on the altar of service comes to each one. We are not all asked to serve as Elisha served, nor are we all bidden to sell everything we have; but God asks us to give His service the first place in our lives, to allow no day to pass without doing something to advance His work in the earth. He does not expect from all the same kind of service. One may be called to ministry in a foreign land; another may be asked to give of his means for the support of gospel work. God accepts the offering of each. It is the consecration of the life and all its interests, that is necessary. Those who make this consecration will hear and obey the call of Heaven.
To everyone who becomes a partaker of His grace, the Lord appoints a work for others. Individually we are to stand in our lot, saying, "Here am I; send me." Whether a man be a minister of the Word or a physician, whether he be merchant or farmer, professional man or mechanic, the responsibility rests upon him. It is his work to reveal to others the gospel of their salvation. Every enterprise in which he engages should be a means to this end.
May I also add that Morgan Freeman (God!) says he's asking Evan to build the ark because He loves him.
Excellent point. Thanks.
At the end, it's easy to see. But in the middle of the story love is sometimes hard to understand. So says me.
It's probably not by chance that verses 10-11 follow 5-6 in Proverbs chapter 3 (besides the whole sequential math bit).
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