Buy Nothing Day may be for you if headlines like "Retailers focus more on Thanksgiving Day" make you feel that American consumerism is, in Toby's words, an "unrelenting daymare."
"Driving hybrid cars and limiting industrial emissions is great‚ but they are band–aid solutions if we don’t address the core problem: we have to consume less. This is the message of Buy Nothing Day." Kalle Lasn
"Buy Nothing Christmas is not really about refusing to spend a dime over the holiday season. It’s about taking a deep breath and deciding to opt out of the hype‚ the overcrowded malls‚ and the stressful to–do lists. It’s about reminding ourselves to really think about what we are buying‚ why we are buying it‚ and whether we really need it at all." (both quotes are from adbusters.org)
While recycling gets more press, BND reminds us that recycling is actually third on the list behind reducing and reusing.
Rather than buying traditional presents this year, consider one of these fine (or not so fine) ideas:
"Buy Nothing Christmas is not really about refusing to spend a dime over the holiday season. It’s about taking a deep breath and deciding to opt out of the hype‚ the overcrowded malls‚ and the stressful to–do lists. It’s about reminding ourselves to really think about what we are buying‚ why we are buying it‚ and whether we really need it at all." (both quotes are from adbusters.org)

Rather than buying traditional presents this year, consider one of these fine (or not so fine) ideas:
- Making something (bird house, fun picture frame for a photo of you and that special someone, some other wild Martha Stewart concoction)
- Writing something (letter, poem, song, novel)
- Baking something (brownies, pies, Kringla)
- Volunteering (making Christmas dinner for someone, shoveling someone's snow, taking the neighborhood kids sledding)
- Giving a World Vision gift in someone's honor
- Putting together an Angel Tree box
For ideas on how to make the holiday season about "worshipping Jesus through compassion, not consumption," visit Advent Conspiracy.
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