Saturday, November 07, 2009


Tonight I finished reading Make Poverty Personal by Ash Barker for an upcoming review in Adventist Today. Powerful.

These are other books I've come across in the last few months that I'd really like to read:
  1. Following Fire (Cheryl Catford, ed.)
  2. Surrender All (Ash Barker)
  3. Wild Ones (Michael Duncan)
  4. Costly Mission (Michel Duncan) [first 4 can be found at UNOH]
  5. Beyond Homelessness (Bouma-Prediger & Walsh)
  6. New Neighbor (Leroy Barber)
  7. Follow Me to Freedom (Claiborne & Perkins)


Christine said...

Hey, Jeff. Send me your address and I'll mail you my copy of Follow Me to Freedom after I write up the review. Deal?

Jeff said...

Seriously? Yes!

What are you reviewing it for?