Saturday, August 26, 2006

HUMAN: Skinsk

I don't have permission to use her real name, so I will use Skinsk. You should meet her. Charissa and I did today.

We made our initial contact on the Internet while we were all living in South Korea, but we didn't actually meet until today at the Farmers' Market in Longmont. Weird, aye?! She will be heading back tomorrow, so we won't be going to any more coffee shops together.

More of us need to live like Skinsk. For example, she volunteers with the Rocky Mountain Peace and Justice Center and has ties to Democracy Now. She has contributed heavily to the Korean climbing website for expats, Korea 0n the Rocks. Skinsk even runs a website highlighting vegetarian restaurants across Korea. She won't play fighting games with her nephew and wants to raise her kids without TV as the primary babysitter. She travels the world, knows the difference between what Jesus said and what the current president does, and eats organic whenever possible. There's more.

And then, of course, she went away. Because we keep spending time with great people who... go away. I'm glad Charissa stays with me. I think she's glad that I stay with her. If anyone would like to come stay with us, just drop a line!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm totally bunking at your place when I get back!!!