Tonight Charissa took a break from GRE prep, and I took a break (now over) from the Internet to watch
Stranger Than Fiction with Will Ferrell and Maggie Gyllanhaal (I just realized that they both have double consonants in their first names and two sets of double letters in their last names). I love
this movie.
It made me happy. It made me sad. It made me think. It made me want to watch it with other people.
I started watching It the other day and I realized within 5 minutes that I loved the movie.
I love it too. Let's all get together and watch it!
That is a fine idea, Angela. And I'm with you Wishydig--5 minutes max.
so because of this post, my roommate and i rented this movie. i loved the part of it i saw (i fell asleep from my cold medicine zonking me out at the part where they are discussing muffins or cupcakes or cookies or something). anyway, this week i am going to finish watching it. i look forward to that moment whenever i may come.
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