Heading up Mt. Democrat after a night of star-gazing. Here looking back toward Kite Lake.
On top of Mt. Democrat (elev. 14,148).

The view from Mt. Democrat back toward our campsite in the valley.

Coming down Democrat and looking toward our next goal, Mt. Cameron (elev. 14,239). Cameron is "a Fourteener and a midpoint on the way to Mount Lincoln - but not counted as a real peak as there is not enough vertical difference between Cameron and Lincoln to qualify" (
Hiking in Colorado). Mt. Lincoln is behind it, and Mt. Bross is to the right.
Heading to Lincoln (elev. 14,286) seemed like trekking across Mars.
Finding color in bleakness was a blessing.

We snacked quickly on the summit of Lincoln, and headed for Bross because we could see rainstorms in three directions. On the way up Bross, I turned and took this shot of Lincoln where'd we just been.

The summit of Mt. Bross (elev. 14,172). The pronounced peak on the left side of the picture is Mt. Democrat, and to the right is the rounded top of Cameron. Lincoln is further to the right of the picture. Notice the rain.
Small rocks and loose dirt made coming down Bross more challenging than I expected. Traction was lacking.
Shortly before arriving back at Kite Lake, we enjoyed the simple artistry of this falls.

With the loop completed, we broke camp and headed home.
On the way home we had to stopy by Coney Island since it's shaped like a giant hotdog. Jason and Charissa are on the left. We'll remember this place for its foot-long hotdogs and hour-long wait. The meal was fried, flavorful and filling. What more could we want? A shower.
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